Online Sermons

Online Sermons

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Date Title Speaker Type Series Service Files Play
09/05/21 What Storms Reveal Bubba Garner Sermon N/A Sun AM Worship What_Storms_Reveal_-_Bubba_Garner_-_09-05-2021_AM.mp3
09/05/21 Why We Do Our Work This Way Bubba Garner Sermon Why We Do What We Do Sun PM Worship Why_We_Do_Our_Work_This_Way_-_Bubba_Garner_-_09-05-2021_PM.mp3
08/22/21 The Christian and Mental Health Bubba Garner Sermon N/A Sun AM Worship 2021-08-22_AM_Bubba_Garner_The_Christian_and_Mental_Health.mp3
08/22/21 Why Do We Teach Baptism for Salvation? Bubba Garner Sermon Why We Do What We Do Sun PM Worship 2021-08-22_PM_Bubba_Garner_Why_We_Do_What_We_Do_Baptism_for_Forgiveness.mp3
08/01/21 Mary Magdalene: A Model Bubba Garner Sermon N/A Sun AM Worship 2021-08-01-Sun_AM_Bubba_Garner_Mary_Magdalene.mp3
08/01/21 Why Do We Confess Our Faith? Bubba Garner Sermon Why We Do What We Do Sun PM Worship 2021-08-01_PM_Bubba_Garner_Why_We_Confess_Our_Faith.mp3
07/25/21 Bringing Your Children to Jesus Bubba Garner Sermon N/A Sun AM Worship 2021-07-25-Sun_AM_Audio_-_Bubba_Garner_-_3_Rs_of_Bringing_Children_to_Worship.mp3
07/25/21 Why Do We Offer An Invitation? Bubba Garner Sermon Why We Do What We Do Sun PM Worship 2021-07-25_PM_Sun_Audio_-Bubba_Garner_Why_We_Offer_the_Invitation.mp3
07/18/21 The Worker's Plan for Progress Dub Simpson Sermon N/A Sun AM Worship 2021-07-18_Dub_Simpson_-_The_Workers_Plan_for_Progress.mp3
07/18/21 Why Do Men Lead in the Assembly? Bubba Garner Sermon Why We Do What We Do Sun PM Worship 2021-07-18_PM_Why_Only_Men_Lead_in_the_Assembly_-_Bubba_Garner.mp3
07/11/21 "God With Us" Bubba Garner Sermon N/A Sun AM Worship 2021-07-11_AM_Audio_1.mp3
07/04/21 Why Do We Sing Without Instruments? Bubba Garner Sermon Why We Do What We Do Sun PM Worship 2021-07-04_PM_audio.mp3
06/24/21 The One Preparing Us A Home Colly Caldwell Gospel Meeting Living For Jesus Lectures AM 1 2021-06-24_AM_Colly_Caldwell_The_One_Preparing_Us_A_Home.mp3
06/24/21 Thanking God for the Storms David Thomley Gospel Meeting Living For Jesus Lectures AM 2 2021-06-24_AM_David_Thomley_Thanking_God_for_the_Storms.mp3
06/24/21 Discovery Roger Shouse Gospel Meeting Living For Jesus Lectures PM 1 2021-06-24_PM_Roger_Shouse_Discovery.mp3
06/24/21 Thomas: The Definite Disciple Ralph Walker Gospel Meeting Living For Jesus Lectures PM 2 2021-06-24_PM_Ralph_Walker_Thomas_The_Definite_Disciple.mp3
06/23/21 Justus: the Disciple who Didn't Make the Cut Ralph Walker Gospel Meeting Living For Jesus Lecture AM 1 2021-06-23_AM_Ralph_Audio.mp3
06/23/21 Telling the World David Thomley Gospel Meeting Living For Jesus Lectures PM 1 2021-06-23_PM_David_Audio.mp3
06/23/21 The King and His Kingdom Colly Caldwell Gospel Meeting Living For Jesus Lectures PM 2 2021-06-23_PM_Colly_Audio.mp3
06/23/21 Letters Here and Abroad Roger Shouse Gospel Meeting Living For Jesus Lectures AM 2 2021-06-23_AM-2_Roger_Shouse_Letters_Here_And_Abroad.mp3
06/22/21 Removing My Shoes David Thomley Gospel Meeting Living For Jesus Lecture AM 1 2021-06-22_AM_David_Thomley_Removing_My_Shoes.mp3
06/22/21 James: The Other Son of Zebedee Ralph Walker Gospel Meeting Living For Jesus Lectures AM 2 2021-06-22_AM_2_Ralph_Walker_James_The_Other_Son_of_Zebedee.mp3
06/22/21 The Prophesied Messiah Colly Caldwell Gospel Meeting Living For Jesus Lecture PM 1 2021-06-22_PM_Colly_Audio.mp3
06/22/21 Rising Up Roger Shouse Gospel Meeting Living For Jesus Lectures PM 2 2021-06-22_PM_Roger_Audio.mp3
06/21/21 Life, the Way it Was Meant to Be Roger Shouse Gospel Meeting Living For Jesus Lecture AM 1 2021-06-21_AM-1_Roger_Shouse_Life_The_Way_It_Was_Meant_To_Be.mp3

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