2024 Lectures

2024 Lectures

The 44th annual Southside Lectures

were held June 17-20, 2024.


"Lord, I Believe!"

Monday, June 17

9:30 AM      Ben Hall, "The Good News of the Kingdom"

10:30 AM    Chuck Durham, "Encountering a Canaanite: Great is Your Faith!"

7:00 PM      Tim StevensCongregational Singing

7:30 PM      Bruce Reeves, "Lord, I Believe in Your Eternal Love"

8:30 PM      Buddy Payne, "Science and Belief in God - Conflict or Coherence?"


Tuesday, June 18

9:30 AM      Buddy Payne, "The Great Designer: Evidence for God in Living Things"

10:30 AM    Bruce Reeves, "Lord, I Believe in Your Transforming Grace"

7:00 PM      Tim StevensCongregational Singing

7:30 PM      Chuck Durham, "Encountering a Sinful Woman: The Gift of Forgiveness"

8:30 PM      Ben Hall, "The Will of God"


Wednesday, June 19

9:30 AM      Chuck Durham, "Encountering Legion: Christ's Authority Over Our Lives"

10:30 AM    Buddy Payne, "The Poor Design Argument: The Human Eye"

7:00 PM      Tim StevensCongregational Singing

8:30 PM      Ben Hall, "The Call of the Cross"

7:30 PM      Bruce Reeves, "Lord, I Believe in Your Life-Giving Spirit"


Thursday, June 20

9:30 AM      Bruce Reeves, "Lord, I Believe in Your Resurrection Power"

10:30 AM    Ben Hall, "The Way of the Lord"

7:00 PM      Tim StevensCongregational Singing

7:30 PM      Buddy Payne, "Hasn't Science Proved There is No God?"

8:30 PM      Chuck Durham, "Encountering the Centurion: Unbelief to Belief"


Videos are available on Facebook, Vimeo and YouTube.

Lecture recording requests can be made here.