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Online Articles

Under Assault By Ungodliness

    We have been under assault by Secular Humanism since 1933. Secular Humanists have achieved many goals with relationship to the family. Divorce has been made easy and is commonplace. Young people are living together without being married. Couples violate their marriage vows at will, and those of the same gender are allowed to marry. How can one not see these things as assaults on the family?

    Secular Humanists have practically taken over the public schools, from universities down to kindergarten. Young people are not being taught Biblical values in the schools, but, rather, they are bombarded with evolutionary theories which boldly deny what the Scriptures teach. Young people are being taught that God did not create Adam and Eve; instead, they are taught that we evolved from lesser life forms over billions of years. More and more the Bible is openly ridiculed and the implication of evolution is that the Bible must be wrong.

    More and more schools are openly teaching that homosexuality is all right and that it is equally as valid as heterosexuality. Those who oppose such teaching are called homophobes or something worse. In many schools it is being taught that “Heather Has Two Mommies.” If that were not enough, now transgenderism is also being championed. 

    We are being inundated with pornography. It is everywhere, a veritable smorgasbord of perversion, and is easily accessible at one’s fingertips. It is clear that our culture has adopted a tolerance for sexual immorality and ungodliness. Within this immoral climate Christians are expected to live godly lives.

    The apostle Peter wrote: “As obedient children, do not be conformed to the former lusts which were yours in your ignorance, but like the Holy One who called you, be holy yourselves also in your behavior; because it is written, you shall be holy, for I am holy.” (1 Pet. 1: 14-16). Peter’s words, written long ago, seem out of place in today’s world! Likewise, the apostle Paul wrote: “And do not be conformed to this world’s pattern, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind.” (Rom. 12: 2). Renewing our mind involves transforming or changing our thinking, and change comes about by the Word of God. Transformation comes from within. Therefore, to change the outside one must first change the inside. Proverbs 23: 7 says as a man “thinks within himself, so he is.” It is so very important to fill our minds with that which lifts us up instead of that which drags us down. Thus, if our minds are constantly exposed to the immoral, the ungodly, irreverent, and self-centered influences of the world, we will not be able to renew our minds. Read the Bible! Fill your mind with the Word of God!

    Don’t expect politics, the courts and judges, to enable you to live a godly life. That’s not where the answer is to be found. Gary Summers wrote: “Our nation’s courts have proven themselves less than supreme. Back in the 50’s they could not figure out how to define pornography. Then they banned Bible reading and prayer from the public schools in the 60’s. They couldn’t tell that a baby was a human life in the 70’s. But, somehow, they did manage to conclude that two men or two women should be allowed to marry each other in 2015, thus repudiating God’s definition of marriage.” 

    What is to be done? Confront secular humanism clearly, and show it to be ungodly, and encourage your friends, classmates, and neighbors to look to Jesus and His Word for guidance in this life. Don’t be silenced. Speak the Word of the Lord with love and all boldness (Eph. 4: 15; Acts 4: 31).