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Online Articles

Meet the 2017 Lectures

    Describing The Southside Lectures is kind of like trying to tell someone about the views at Yellowstone National Park.  It’s hard to put it into words; you just have to experience it for yourself.

    I hope you are making your plans to do just that this summer.  While this year’s event is the 38th annual program, the lectures are not just a tradition or a habit. They are a spiritual feast designed to provoke us to “love and good deeds” (Heb. 10:24).  

    The dates were officially announced to the congregation on the bookmark you received with the new “Sanctify Christ as Lord” plan: June 12-15.  This will hopefully give you plenty of time to include the lectures in your summer plans.  Even before the first of the year, people were asking about the dates to make certain their vacations did not conflict.  Others like to take off from work during lectures week so they can be present for the morning services.  Not everyone is able to do that, but everyone is able to be here as often as they possibly can.  After all, The Southside Lectures are first and foremost for the benefit of the Southside members. 

    The theme this year, “Come Unto Me” coincides with our one-year plan.  What better way to focus on how to “Sanctify Christ as Lord,” than to give some consideration to who Jesus is and what He can do for us.  When we come to the “Bread of Life,” He will feed and fill us.  When we come to the “Light of the World,” He will show us the path of salvation.  When we come to the “Lamb of God,” He will wash us with His blood.  When we come to the “Resurrection and the Life,” He will give us the hope of eternity.  Jesus invites, “Come unto Me.” To Him we shall go!

    For the sixth year in a row, Tim Stevens will here to lead the congregational singing.  Tim is devoted to song worship.  He wants each participant in the pew to give their very best in every song to praising God and teaching and admonishing their fellow worshipers.  The Southside church is proud to help support Tim and his work of preaching meetings and conducting song worship training.  We are also proud to have him and Vickie return to us this summer.

    Our speakers this year compliment the theme as well as one another: Wilson Adams, Max Dawson, Gary Henry, and Tim Jennings.  They are men who have a heart for God’s word and for God’s people.  And they will be able to communicate the Savior and His invitation in a way that honors and glorifies Him.

    Wilson Adams has been a frequent participant on the lecture program through the years.  Each time, he has always been well-received.  His preaching is passionate and powerful.  He may not even need to use the microphone.  Wilson currently labors with the Veterans Parkway church in Murfreesboro, Tennessee.  He and his wife, Julie, are in the process of adopting three children from Bulgaria, ages 15,12, and 11.  They hope to bring them when they come for lectures.

    Though this will be his first appearance on the lectures, Max Dawson is no stranger to our area.  He has been with the Dowlen Road congregation in Beaumont almost as long as Brother Bowman has been at Southside.  Max also serves as one of the elders there.  His daughter, Jennifer Kegley, is a former member at Southside.  Brother Dawson is a careful student of the Scriptures and his preaching is always by the book.  You will enjoy him and his wife, Lee.

    Gary Henry was most recently here for a meeting in 2013.  Our people enjoyed him and his labors.  He has a sincerity and humility about him that comes through in his pulpit work.  Gary is also well known for his writing: “Diligently Seeking God” and “Reaching Forward.”  As with brother Stevens, Southside has fellowship with Gary in his meeting work around the country.  Though he has experienced some health difficulties of late that have limited his schedule, he quickly agreed to come to the lectures.  We highly anticipate hearing him again.

    Tim Jennings has endeared himself to Southside over the last several years.  Both times he was on the program, he brought his family: his wife, Jennifer and their children, Parker, Kayla, and Jack.  Tim preaches for the Spring Creek church in Plano, Texas. He has an ability to communicate the gospel and to connect with the hearts of men.  We’re thankful to have him back.

    “Come Unto Me:” our 38th annual lectures.  Will you come?