Online Articles

Online Articles

"Evidences for Our Faith"

    “Add to Your Faith” has been our focus for 2016.  Chosen by the elders from 2 Peter 1, this theme promotes a commitment to individual growth.  We have already heard sermons about the qualities Peter instructs us to supply to our faith: virtue, knowledge, self control, perseverance, and godliness.  Brotherly kindness (November) and love (December) are still to come.

    In addition to these sermons, the 37th Southside Lectures were held on the theme: “Add to Your Faith” and our VBS in July was called “Joseph: Journey of Faith.”  The goal in all of  these endeavors has been to help  each member to grow in their faith.

    Two weeks from today, October 23-26, we will have another opportunity to add to our faith.  Bo Kirkwood will be here to preach lessons on “Evidences for Our Faith.”  This meeting will include sermons that combat the theory of evolution and the belief that the Bible is uninspired.  They will equip us to be ready to give an answer in this age of doubt.

    Dr. Bo Kirkwood has been a practicing physician in Pasadena since 1983. In his early years, he worked with Dr. Curtis Torno, the father of Heidi White.  Bo is a brother to our Ron and John Kirkwood, Sharon Simpson, and Debbie Eubanks.  He and his wife, Cherry, attend the Parkview church of Christ where Bo serves as one of the elders.  He is well respected in our community and is becoming known abroad due to his study in the area of evidences.

    Brother Kirkwood is the author of The Evolution Delusion: A Scientific Study of Creation & Evolution.  He is well-qualified to preach about intelligent design and how to approach the creation of the world from a Biblical world view.  The subjects for his meeting are as follows:

✓    Sunday class:  Convicting the Gainsayer
✓    Sunday AM:  Evolution: Science or Philosophy?
✓    Sunday PM:  Irreducible Complexity: Powerful Proof for a Creator
✓    Monday:  The Language of God: DNA and the Human Genome
✓    Tuesday:  The Handiwork of God: The Privileged Planet
✓    Wednesday:  The Bible: Great Work of Fiction or the Word of God?

    I hope you are making your plans to be here as often as you possibly can.  This is a very important series.  We live in a time where faith is being mocked as irrational and unreasonable.  Christians are being branded as those who are “brainwashed” or clinging to religion as a crutch.  We need to be reminded that the world itself provides evidence of a Creator.  “The heavens are telling of the glory of God; and their expanse is declaring the work of His hands” (Psalm 19:1).

    In addition, young people are being taught that evolution is a fact and the most “scientific” explanation of the origin of the universe.  Their faith is being belittled, sometimes in front of the whole classroom.  Don’t you want your children to know that they are not alone in their stand for truth?  Luke, “the beloved physician” (Col. 4:14) was a believer who wrote about the “many convincing proofs” of Jesus’ resurrection (Acts 1:3).  Likewise, Dr. Kirkwood will help us see that our faith is based on evidence, not theory.

    Christians of all ages are being confronted in conversations with their friends and coworkers as those who have never had their faith challenged.  What will you say in response?  How will you answer them?  If each of us has not worked out our own salvation (Phil. 2:12), we are sure to crumble when that salvation is called into question.  This meeting will give us a foundation from which we can continue to grow in our understanding of who we are, why we’re here, and where we’re going.

    Faith comes by hearing the word of God (Rom. 10:17).  Come hear about these evidences so you can add to yours.